Camp Gideon

Camp Gideon is in Aa, Estonia. The village is in northern Estonia, on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. One cannot help but be moved by the natural beau­ty. The camp itself was built prior to World War II by the Soviet Union. At that time, it was a Pioneer Camp, where communism and atheism were taught to the young. The fall of communism in 1991 changed everything. In time, Estonia became an independent country and Camp Gideon found a new purpose.

During the summers of 1993 and 1994, Camp Gideon was used by the Estonian United Methodist Church. On March 15, 1995, Camp Gideon was purchased by the Asbury United Methodist Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma and given to the United Methodist Churches of Estonia. On that day Artur Põld was named the Director of Camp Gideon. He still holds that position today.

From the very beginning, American friends have supported Camp Gideon – both spiri­tually and financially. Every summer, several groups of volunteers from the United States arrive at Camp Gideon to organize children’s pro­grams and help repair the time-worn buildings. Over the years, Camp Gideon has become internationally known in Latvia, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Belarus, Germany and beyond. Thanks to the ministries of Camp Gideon, hundreds of children hear about Jesus each camp season. Together with the guests of Camp Gideon, several mission events have been organized, including family camps, Walks to Emmaus, and the Sum­mer Conference of the UMC in Estonia.

In 2019, my wife Kathryn and I visited Camp Gideon for the first time. We were moved by the work of these people. Since that visit she has been raising money to help with the reconstruction of the buildings. Currently there are fifteen buildings on the 75-acre camp. Between July 24 and August 5, we are returning to Camp Gideon with a small Volunteer-in-Mission team. We will be helping with English Camp and are looking forward to traveling to Camp Gideon to see the progress that has been made. It is truly a resurrection story. A camp that once taught communism and atheism is now teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ.

You can help Camp Gideon in two ways. First, pray for Camp Gideon and for our team while we are there. Our prayers are more valuable than we will ever know. Second, prayerfully consider making a financial contribution to Camp Gideon. No amount is too small. It is amazing what God can do with a single dollar. Please make your check out to PROJECT ORPHAN OUTREACH and mail it to: 275 Bradford Drive, Canfield, Ohio, 44406. You will receive a thank-you note for your contribution and will receive a report on what was accomplished after our return.

In advance, I would like to thank you for your generosity.

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